Using Instagram Influencers for Brand Growth in the New Age of Marketing

However it might seem, it is never just the big brands that are using Instagram for influencer marketing. Companies of every size benefit from using Instagram influencers as long as the ones you opt to work with are relevant and have influence in your niche.

The number of Instagram users is expected to reach over 1.4 billion by 2025, as reported by Statista. There are numerous eyes on the social media network, and your business has scope for capitalization on usability and popularity with the help of influencers.

Therefore, is it beneficial to use an Instagram influencer for your business? In our post today, we will find out the answer to this question and offer some great ways to use Instagram influencers to help your brand grow.

What is Influencer Marketing?

Fundamentally, influencer marketing is a kind of social media marketing that uses endorsements and product mentions from influencers or people who have dedicated followers on social media and are noted as experts in their niche.

Influencer marketing works typically due to the more significant trust social influencers have built up through the following. Recommendations from them serve as social proof to your potential customers.


Using Influencers for Brand Growth

True success generally involves careful planning and proper execution, although influencer marketing on Instagram has great potential. Let us check out a couple of strategies to leverage Instagram influencers effectively.

Establish a Network of Influencers For Brand Growth

Associating with several influencers is ideal for promoting the product launch, boosting engagement, and driving more conversions. However, more than a couple of influencers are needed to grow a small business in a longer-lasting way. It is for this that you will need an entire community of influencers.

You can build an influencer network for brand promotion and reach a larger targeted audience. You can include more than just a couple of groups of social media followers. You can create brand awareness through numerous audience groups with the help of an influencer.

This way, you can gain better brand visibility, essential to help grow your brand. The ideal part of establishing a network of influencers is that you can attain the desired outcomes even if you are working with influencers with less reach.


Run Giveaway Contests to Increase Engagement and Visibility

Everyone loves to get a chance to win something for free. The giveaway contests are ideal for brands to boost fan engagement. For this, you have to know how to track Instagram giveaway entries. To grow your brand effectively, you need to work with the influencers to promote the giveaway content and increase visibility and engagement.

Combining this technique with influencer marketing can extend your reach to new audiences. Once you know how to pick an Instagram giveaway winner, the influencer’s followers will show more interest in your brand and be compelled to participate to win free samples, gifts, or products.

If the contest rules need contestants to create their content, it further reaches out to people. In this process, the brand attains greater visibility and engagement with a massive audience.

Create an Experience Around Your Brand

If you are using influencer marketing to grow your brand, then you need to focus more on more than just the normal promotion of products or services. Indeed, you will get your influencers to showcase your products in the content or create reviews that involve your product, thereby increasing sales.

Taking your influencer marketing further would be best when you understand the secret behind growing your brand. Create a good experience around your brand and invite the influencers to participate and share their experiences. These are the experiences that help your brand to come into the limelight.

The influencers will share their experiences with their followers. Their fans will then link with your brand with a positive experience. It is a major part of influencer marketing.

Brand marketing

Collaborate with Influencers to Create Original Products

Influencers will help you promote your products. However, if you wish to grow your brand, then you can take your partnership ahead by including them in product development. It is essential to associate with the influencers to create natural products that will attract your target audience and the followers of the influencers on social media.

Collaborate with influencers to create original products that will appeal to both your target audience and the influencer’s followers on social media.

Accusing your brand with a top influencer can establish your brand as trustworthy and prominent.

Include Influencers in Your Long-Term Marketing Strategy

You may often use influencer marketing for a one-time specific purpose, like promoting a special event, giveaway contest, product launch, or sale. If picking a winner from your giveaway contest seems harsh, you can opt for the Instagram giveaway picker tool to help you choose your winners easily.

However, you can continue influencer marketing as soon as you have accomplished your objective. It would help to start setting goals and include influencers in your long-term strategy to know how to grow your brand. It indicates that several influencer marketing campaigns with different types of influencers on varied platforms can help you achieve various goals.


Influencers are here to stay, and the space of using influencers to boost a brand has changed a lot. In the next five years, it will drastically differ from today’s. Our post will help guide you to start building your effective strategy; however, like any other social strategy, staying prepared for a change is vital.

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BPT Admin
BPT (BusinessProTech) provides articles on small business, digital marketing, technology, mobile phone, and their impact on everyday life, as well as interactions with other industries.

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